Sunday, September 16, 2012

Live Test of Batchgeo

This is a test of the Batchgeo sharing program using the Virginia Lovers' Gourd Society roster. This is only a test. 

When I looked over the website to see what fresh bit of angst was coming my way, my head snapped to attention and the eyeballs whirled around!!!  Problem may be solved! I have been trying to figure out how to show member locations in the newsletter and on the website for a while. It would be handy for folks to recognize where they are in relation to others, in hopes of generating GourdPatches (the American Gourd Society's version of gourd communities within state chapters). Because Virginia is so wide, and crosses several land configurations, members tend to feel isolated. You can see where VA is by the Snipping Tool red line. The blue line shows the outliers. Two renegades across the Bay are temporaries from California.

Members in Va and Outliers. They tend to live along I81 and I95.

Members interested in forming a GourdPatch can contact the home office in Stephens City to get information about members locally. I would be my hope that by recognizing familiar towns and roads, meeting others becomes a possibility.

Seeing there are 6 gourdheads within a short drive may invite new GourdPatches.

Now, on to the real lesson which will most likely enlighten me in ways I have not imagined!

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