Sunday, September 23, 2012

Virtual Field Trip using Google Maps

I approached this assignment as a wish list of educational goals, with a gourdeous twist: The Great Gourdeous Educational Escape. It would be a gifted academic program of learning that uses a guiding light of consistency (American Gourd Society chapter festivals) to combine core class information into real life experiences while using digital tools.

The trip begins with a gourdgatuan grant [math], lays out broad deadlines of the gourd shows as a skeleton schedule [more math with probabilities], and allows students to work collaboratively to research the additional points of interest [following anchor activities]. We travel in huge RVs to limit hotel and eating concerns, and to allow convenience conveyance of projects and supplies [more math using spatial concepts]. Students build blog to maintain daily contact with friends and family. For a while they will be submitting all their homework/projects to their teachers via The Cloud as well. Teachers will collaborate to make this seem real.

Initially, this idea required quite a bit of time and I wondered "hOly smokE, what am I doing...I'm still getting over being sick!!"  However, as I built the list of shows and the anchor lessons to accompany each leg of the trip, and then prepared the map, I got more excited. The preliminary letter, map, and agenda lays out an overview. The map shows the broad outline of the trip.

Done in Google Maps, I can engage the collaboration option allowing the students to research and add destinations surrounding the gourd shows or along the way that pertain to the anchor lessons. This enhances the depth of learning by engaging their critical thinking skills and personal interests. They become active learners!

By working with other teachers in the building, professional collaboration could add an additional layer of authenticity. The Great Gourdeous Educational Escape is so broad, all of the ISTE NETS-T standards could be met: inspiring learning and creativity, developing digital age learning experiences, modeling digital research information and mapping, promoting awareness of of cultural and global diversity with digital tools, and leading/collaborating with professional peers to coordinate and use digital tools as if a real journey were taking place.

Georgia Gourd Society's Greer Peters leads the meditative light.
Feel the karma baby, feel the gourding karma!

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