Sunday, October 7, 2012


Teaching a research class to 6-8th grade gifted thinkers can be a lot of fun and allows me freedom to use irony and absurdity. Yet, even though gifted students can get concepts quickly and move on, they are still children and need to be taught. At the beginning of the semester, I teach question skills: the question formulation technique and Bloom's Taxonomy. Research is question driven and without these basic skills, their research efforts will be nothing more than producing a report or term paper. They need to understand what their thinking process is in order to proceed to original thinking. They know at any given time I will ask, "Where are you in Blooms?"

Wuertz Gourd Farm
In this assignment I explain Bloom's Taxonomy with the metaphor I use in class--cows. In keeping with the theme of this blog, it ends with a reference to gourds: a greeting at the Wuertz Gourd Farm of a cow sculpture wrapped in a Mexican serape with a snake gourd tied to its head and a sign that plays on the word gored. The kiddos will love it!!

Prezi is a presentation tool, related to a PowerPoint except that it is dynamic. It can incorporate PowerPoint slides, YouTube videos, pdfs, can be used online or offline, it can used as a collaboration tool between students, among teachers, across company teams. The editing tools are easy to navigate: the path moving from slide to slide can be changed easily, slides and images can be added or deleted, text added and subtracted. The basic level has limited capabilities but serves the purpose if the intent is to present information without the sophistication of different typefaces and backgrounds. But, as I said, the basic tools serve well. Movement is more interesting than a static image as the good folks at Cornell say.

Cow Gourd
The zooming aspect can be unnerving, especially when type is rotated from crazy angles to get it right-reading for viewing. Students in middle school will probably like it because it's soOOooo cool and Crah-AAzzYY!  Re-doing this for a teacher presentation, I would limit the 'whipping around' aspect a bit and approach the information more straightforward.

Many ISTE NETS-T standards are represented by this technique and assignment. First, #1--facilitating and inspiring student learning would be painless since I could begin a Bloom's lesson with Socratic questioning about the concepts of Bloom's, then show this as a model of walking through the 6 steps of learning before asking them to produce a Prezi example of walking through Bloom's.  This would naturally lead into standard #2 of designing and developing a relevant learning experience of not only Bloom's but of using a digital tool to express knowledge by the students building a Prezi of their own to show how a topic of their own can be applied to Bloom's. Standard #3 is modeling the process of a technology system to communicate information....their Prezis would go on to teach Bloom's to each other and perhaps other classes.

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