Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Picasso Head

Me with Earrings
Using online creation programs can be a boon to students creating images for projects!  When I tried this particular one, I was amazed at the versatility the many options allows: flipping, rotating, the abstract shapes, color. My face, such as it is, was fun to produce and a joy to touch up.

Artists of course would appreciate the creativity that can be unleashed, but I can envision school counselors using this for students needing to express themselves (a venting outlet actually) in ways traditional drawing processes may not allow. In guidance, students will shut down, saying they can't draw and not be willing to try; this is especially true of gifted learners. 'Playing' on a computer might be more accommodating to emotionally strapped students -- those students unwilling to admit something is bothering them.

Tenet G of the VA Tech. Standards  speaks about being able to implement strategies that integrate technology to meet the diverse needs. Surely this is an example of that....I plan to show it to one of my school's counseling team. I bet they'll love it!


  1. What a powerful use for this tool!

  2. ...and so thought the counselors! One is already preparing to test it with the anger-management group. I don't get all the pre- and after group discussion, but she seemed excited by the possibilities.
